Room 1 Information

Physical Education
Our class will have Phys. Ed. with Mrs. Taylor on days 1, 3, 4 and 6.  The children will not be changing for gym so please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately to participate every day.

Our class has music on days 2, 3 and 4 with Mrs. Goertzen.

We have Library every day 5.  Please keep the borrowed book in a safe place and return it on or before day 5.

“Best” Buddies
We have Buddies every Day 5 with Mrs. McDonald’s grade 4/5 class. The buddies will read and work together for 30 minutes per cycle.

Snuggle Up and Read Club
The Snuggle Up and Read Club is our home reading program. You will be invited to join this club with your child. Your child will start bringing home a book that you can read together each night. (Begins in Oct/Nov).

Extra Clothes

Please ensure that your child has an extra set of clothes at school each day in case of accidents of spills.

Sight Word Program
Sight words will be sent home along with the Snuggle Books. Please practice the sight words with your child each night. Once he/she has mastered the ten words, remind your child to hand the sight word ring in to me so that I can put new words on.

We will be going outside for recess each day, weather permitting. Please be sure to dress your child appropriately for the weather.

We will have snack time each morning and afternoon.  Please send fresh fruit or veggies for morning snack. Crestview School is a peanut aware school. Please do not send items containing peanuts or nuts.

Water Bottle
Your child needs a water bottle at school each day. The water bottle may stay at school all week and will be sent home on Friday to get cleaned.

Instagram - @playlaughlearn

Lates & Absences
Please be sure to get a late slip from the office if you are bringing your child to school late.  If your child is going to be absent, please let the office know (204-885-7710).

If you are interested in helping out in the classroom, please let me know. Your help is greatly appreciated. Volunteers must get a criminal record check and a child abuse registry check completed. Please see Vicki in the office to get this process started. The school division will cover the cost of these checks.

Scholastic Book Club Orders
Order forms will be sent home once a month.  Please return your completed order coupon and payment (cheques only) to the school by the due date, which will be on the order form.  Cheques are to be made payable to Scholastic Canada Ltd. No cash please.

The majority of communication between home and school will be via email. Please make arrangements with me if you do not have access to email on a regular basis to receive information in paper format.

Drop off Procedures
8:45: Supervision by duty staff
8:55: Entry bell
Please line your child up along the wall north of the Kindergarten doors (Room 5 lines up on the south side of the door).  Please wait outside each morning with your child until a supervising teacher arrives or until the bell rings.

Pick Up Procedures
Dismissal: 3:42-3:45
Early Dismissal: 3:08
Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students get dismissed from the same doors. In order to alleviate congestion, the kinders will be dismissed a minute or two before the bell. Your child will only be dismissed to a person that is on the pick up list. If someone different is picking your child up, please notify the office.

Birthday Book Club
This year you are invited to honour your child’s birthday by donating a book to our classroom instead of sending a birthday treat. Your child’s picture will be placed inside the front cover to commemorate their birthday. The birthday book club is optional and all children will get a special popcorn party to celebrate. Summer birthdays will be celebrated in June.