Monday 11 November 2013

Jackson Pollock

We studied the artist Jackson Pollock. We had a great time splattering and drizzling paint on a huge canvas! Check out the pictures of us painting!

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Guided Discovery

Every morning we have about 15 minutes of Guided Discovery. Guided Discovery is essentially small group centres that the children explore with the guidance of an adult. New toys, games and activities are introduced to the class this way. There are 6 centres set up and each group explores one centre per day. Below are some pictures of this week's centres.


Our Alphabet

This year instead of using a store bought alphabet chart I decided to involve the children in Room 1. Check out some of the letters in our awesome alphabet!

Sunday 22 September 2013

Emily Carr

On Friday the class studied the Canadian artist, Emily Carr. After viewing her artwork and learning about her life, we painted our own trees. Ask your child to tell you about Emily Carr!

Monday 9 September 2013

First Weeks in Kindergarten

We have had a busy couple of weeks in Kindergarten. This is what some of our kinders have to say:
I like going to the gym and lunch. ~Ava
I like the gym and LEGO and playing with my friends. ~Maximus
I like playing with my friends. ~Daxon
I like playing LEGO and construction and the drama centre. ~Marshall
I enjoyed playing with the construction toys. ~Dylan
We played Red Light, Green Light in the gym. ~Griffen
I like reading books. ~Riley

Thursday 1 August 2013

Summer Fun

Hi everyone. I hope you are all having a super summer. I know I am. Can't wait to see you in September!

Monday 6 May 2013

Georgia O'Keeffe Flowers

These flowers were inspired by our study of Georgia O'Keefe.
We also learned about cool and warm colours. Each student chose to make their flower using either cool or warm colours. They also made a pattern in their flowers!

We used watercolour markers. They are very vibrant.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Exploring Clay Video

Today we had TIA (The Integrated Arts) with Ms. Brown. We played with clay. We also sketched our faces. We will see Ms. Brown again tomorrow. Below is a video of some pictures of us creating with clay.

Monday 29 April 2013

Eco Tips From the Kinders

When you leave the room, please turn off the lights. If you leave them on all day, you could hurt the polar bears. ~Van

Please pick up litter on the bus or at school. ~Ife

Use reusable shopping bags instead of plastic bags. ~Raelene

We love our Earth. Please don't hurt it. Please follow our suggestions so that we can have a healthy Earth. ~Keily

Please don't throw trash on the ground. Pick trash up if you see it. ~Rylie

Make sure you close your fridge so that you don't waste energy. ~Ella

Please don't throw litter in Hudson's cage at the Assiniboine Park Zoo. ~Tyler

Don't keep the water running while brushing your teeth. ~Nixon

Do not throw out batteries! Take them to a battery recycling location instead. ~Axton

Help The Earth

Please help us keep the Earth healthy. You can use both sides of the paper.

Kindergarten Room 1

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Read to Self

We did Read to Self for 7 minutes today! We are going to try to read for 8 minutes tomorrow.

Monday 22 April 2013

Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! We had our lights turned out all day today. We also began our litterless lunch challenge. Today our class had 27 pieces of litter. Let's see if we can reduce that number tomorrow.